How to Choose a Collagen Moisturizer

Know Your Skin Type

Knowing your skin type is the first step in choosing any moisturizer. “This ensures the product provides the right balance of hydration and support,” Kopelman says, helping you avoid issues “like excessive oiliness or dryness that could exacerbate skin conditions.”

Indeed, Mraz says your skin type is the very first thing you should consider: “Oilier, thicker skin can often tolerate more irritating ingredients such as retinoids, while drier, thinner, and more sensitive skin types need ingredients that increase hyaluronic acid content in the skin and hold on to moisture.”

Mraz tells us aging also plays a key role. “As skin ages, it not only loses collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, but the pH also starts to rise and the surface microbes (which make up skin microbiome) become more numerous but less diverse,” she says. “These factors result not only in wrinkles, poor elasticity, and skin fragility but also relate to poorer local immunity within the skin (as well as systemically) and a decrease in the ability for the skin to adequately protect from environmental insults.”

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